On the 23rd of October, WICS held an info session and a Q&A with Twitter. There were approximately 100 attendees! Before the event, the students were able to enjoy refreshing drinks at the 7 Leaves Boba bar outside in the patio area of DBH 6011 which was provided by Twitter.
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On the 16th of October, WICS held their annual WICS Games! They had over 80 student participates as well as company representatives from Google, SendGrid, Oath, and Blind Squirrel Entertainments. The company representatives were separated into different teams with about 9 students to one representative and all the teams were
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Whoo! On Monday, Oct. 9th, WICS hosted their first WICS Mentorship program event: Mentorship Mixer. After consuming pizza and snacks, people settled down and we started our mentor introductions. Mentors filled out their profiles online before the mixer, so mentees did get a chance to view potential mentors before the
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On Monday, October 2nd WICS held their first General Meeting in DBH 6011. This meeting had about 200+ RSVPs and over 100 students attend. It was the biggest turn out that we ever had anticipated compared to previous years. During this meeting, our co-presidents, Katie Yeh and Ericca Go, introduced
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On Thursday, September 28th, WICS had their very first week 0 social. The event was located in the common room of the Berkeley Court Clubhouse, so there had to be walk groups from the flagpoles to the location so no one would get lost. The social was meant for WICS
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On the 13th of April. WICS toured Riot Games’ corporate campus in Los Angeles to gain insight of the game development industry as well as learn what drives the success behind Riot’s popular game, League of Legends. Upon our arrival at the campus, we were warmly greeted by Grant Cushman,
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January 28, 2017 – February 16, 2017 It’s an awesome time for Orange County youths to get their feet wet in Computer Science! This winter, WICS has paired up with Girls Who Code at Woodbridge High School to host a series of workshops for youths to explore the field of
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On April 18th, it was a warm and sunny Tuesday morning at the UCI flagpoles; 23 students eagerly waited for rides heading towards the Blizzard tour. WICS Corporate made sure everyone was present before we embarked to the site. Upon arriving, many were delighted to see the Blizzard sign with
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On the 12th of April, WICS in collaboration with Hack at UCI hosted a Command Line workshop. Over 50 attendees joined us at the Calit2 Auditorium that evening. Before the workshop began, attendees, club officers, and mentors chatted outside the auditorium eating delicious Costco pizza as our hard-working WICS committee
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On April the 5th, WICS hold the first general meeting of the Fall quarter. During this event, WICS presidents Janay and Katie introduced the club, the events we host, and the board members and committee members. The attendees enjoyed delicious pizza from Dominos and Soda. After the meal, we played
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