WICS Spring Quarter Week 8: Amazon Alexa Skill Workshop

On May 21, 2018, WICS held an Amazon Alexa Skill Workshop. Representatives from Amazon came by and taught us step-by-step how to build an Alexa Skill. First, attendees got to grab food and refreshments as well as socialize with one another. Then, we were ready to code. Our goal was to create an “Echomon” skill that tells us which Pokemon is at a given index in the Pokedex. We learned how to get Alexa to return information after we ask certain questions. Amazon reps also went over how to debug our code to make sure our Alexa Skill was working as expected. In the end, we had a skill where we could ask “Who is Pokemon 25?” and Alexa would respond with the Pokemon at that index: “Pokedex entry 25 is named Pikachu.” Mission accomplished! This was a very fun hands-on activity that showed us how easy it was to build an Alexa skill. This event was a success!

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