On Monday, November 5th, WICS teamed up with ACM to host mock technical interviews! Upperclassmen with extensive interview experience volunteered to share their expertise with those who signed up. Attendees were given a coding question that could come up during a typical technical interview. They were encouraged to think out
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The long-awaited mentorship reveal finally took place on Monday, October 29th. As our mentorship theme this year is Pokemon, mentors and mentees started off their adventure with a given slip of paper with a hint about their family type and three letters from their assigned Pokemon. They went around the
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On Thursday, October 25th, WICS collaborated with Deloitte Consulting, SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers), and NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers), to host an invite-only Coffee Chat event. Around 12 Deloitte practitioners came to talk to students who have applied to Deloitte Consulting’s open positions. It was a great
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On Monday, October 22nd, WICS hosted a Blizzard Info-Session. We had over 70 attendees come and learn about what it is like to work at Blizzard! Ellen, the University Relations Recruiter, shared information about internship and new grad opportunities as well as tips on how to apply successfully, and she
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On Wednesday, October 17th, WICS hosted an Amazon Workshop at the Student Center. We had over 60 attendees come and hear about opportunities at Amazon as well as one of Amazon’s Engineer’s background! Our speaker, Lanvi, shared her journey on how she became an intern at Amazon and converted into
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On Monday, October 15th, WICS hosted the 5th annual WICS Games, an event where company representatives from Google, Blizzard, Intuit, and Amazon along with 90+ students in attendance came together in teams to solve logic and coding puzzles! Each team consisted of a company representative who acted as the mentor
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On October 3rd, WICS hosted the first event for their Mentorship Program, a mixer for mentors and mentees to get to know each other better. Over 140 students applied to our program and over 100 attended! The event first began with Human Bingo which helped the attendees talk to new
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On October 1st, WICS hosted their first meeting of the new school year in DBH 6011! We had close to 200+ RSVPs and over 170 students attended. This is the biggest turn out that we ever had compared to our previous years. During this meeting, our co-presidents Princess Pancubit and
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On September 24th, WICS took part in one of UCI’s biggest event of the year, Anteater Involvement Fair! Countless of new faces ranging from first years to transfer students, and even returning members stopped by to check out the WICS booth. Our representatives were there to share their experience in
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August 1, 2018 – August 8, 2018 This summer, WICS helped out with Bytes of Code, a week-long program created to teach middle school and high school girls the basics of computer science. This camp is intended to encourage young girls to consider pursuing a career in Computer Science. On
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