Monday, Mar. 3rd, WICS hosted a series of mock interviews. Around 20 people signed up for this great opportunity! Representatives from participating companies such as 21st Century Fox and Northrop Grumman held one-to-one mock interviews with students. They allowed students to practice their interviewing skills and receive feedback on how
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[AFG_gallery id=’29’] Thursday, February 20th, WICS hosted a training workshop to teach students and potential volunteers how to use LittleBits and Snap Circuits! These simple snap on circuits are fun to play with and makes circuits easy to understand. Students enjoyed trying to create really cool things out of them
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Over 20 people came on Monday, February 10th to join WICS for a study session. Topics such as ICS 45C, ICS 6B, and many other classes were being covered by some students that were willing to help teach those in need of help. Popcorn and soda were provided by WICS
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On Sunday, February 9th, 6 volunteers from WICS came out to help 7 Brownie Troops with earning their Computer Expert Badge! It was an educational yet fun day for the Brownies; they got to experience using computers to paint a picture, take a virtual museum tour, play an online game,
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On Monday, February 3rd, over 40 people came to de-stress at the potluck with all the ICS clubs over some delicious food and fun boardgames! There was a variety of food such as sushi, buffalo wild wings, dumplings, curry, chicken alfredo, bacon siracha cookies, and cake pops! Besides food, there
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Thursday, January 30th, more than 80 people attended the WICS Project Meeting to learn about developing Android apps! 20 teams were formed for this 5-week tutorial session. On this day, the WICS website obtained a record of 202 views in one day! Many non-ICS majors such as Chemistry, Public Health
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[AFG_gallery id=’23’] Monday, January 27th, WICS hosted a movie night for over 20 people that came to de-stress from all the midterms they’ve had/about to have! There was popcorn, pizza, and snacks provided while The Princess Bride was playing. A group of people were also enjoying a fun game of
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Around 62 people signed in on Thursday, January 16th, for the Google Panel. WICS invited female Googlers to talk about what it is like to work there, capabilities needed for applying, as well as ways of applying. One of the speakers that came, trains other Googlers to interview applications and
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Thursday, January 10, 2014. Are you tired of going to parties and thinking to yourself, “Uggh, what a sausage fest? Like seriously, enough with the testosterone! Where my ladies at?” FEAR NOT, women in computer science, because on this unassuming Thursday night, 40+ beautiful ladies who are pursuing a career
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[AFG_gallery id=’18’] WICS awarded every participant that turned in their websites on Wednesday, December 4th. Winners were chosen and awarded $25 Amazon gift cards along with the winners of weekly challenges at project meetings! Congratulations Team 7 (Mrunmayi Vyawahare, Kelly Kwan, Emily Nguyen, and Yaritza Cuevas) for making the best
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