On Wednesday, March 1st, WICS hosted a movie night for WICS’s mentorship program. WICS mentors and mentees had an amazing time bonding with each other as they baked their favorite recipes. At the movie night, the members were able to interact with other mentorship pairs as they watched “The Emperor’s
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On Tuesday, February 21th, WICS teamed up with Hack at UCI and held its Intuit Interactive Hackathon Prep workshop. We had an outstanding turnout of about 45 participants that were excited to be there and learn more! Intuit provided many tips on how to have a successful hackathon. They also
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On Wednesday, February 15th, WICS held its quarterly study session. About 25 members joined us in studying. People were more than happy to help each other, whether it was with studying for midterms or working on homework. In addition to doing schoolwork, everyone had fun talking about life and getting
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On Wednesday February 8th, WICS teamed up with ICS Student Council to host an inspiring information session with Twilio! We had a great turnout of 58 participants ready and excited to learn. Twilio demonstrated their awesome API and sent out text notifications to our audience. We learned through the Q&A
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This past Wednesday February 1, WICS hosted an entertaining Crime and Mystery themed game night. WICS members had a fun bonding time with each other as they played “Murder in the Dark” and mafia. Around 30 WICS members attended this game night, which made playing these group games even that
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On the wonderful and chilly Wednesday of January 18, 2017, 60 students gathered together to learn about the joys and wonders of interview! WICS offered invaluable experience and tips for acing any interview. For Freshmen and Sophomores, student speakers spoke about their experiences in and how to land an amazing
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Wednesday, January 11th, was the first kick-off WICS general meeting of Winter 2017! 50 wonderful faces, both familiar and new, came to the first meeting with renewed resolution for a wonderful start to the quarter. Our awesome speakers introduced WICS, the wonderful board members, and exciting WICS-hosted events for this
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On November 18th WICS had a scavenger hunt for everyone in the mentorship program. Mentors and their mentees had an hour to find and take a picture of all the items on the list. The top three mentor mentee duo were given swag bags. It was a fun event for
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This week, on November 9th, WICS hosted a “What I Learned at My Summer Internship Panel”. At the meeting, members asked any questions they may have about summer internships, and we had our wonderful panel answer the questions. On the panel, we had five undergraduate students who talked about their
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WICS teamed up with the Video Game Development Club (VGDC) and Management Information Student Society (MAISS), on November 2nd to hold a useful and interactive info session called How to Market Yourself to Employers + Talking Yourself Up. ProSky, an Irvine-based company that provides a platform for job recruiting and
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