On May 21, 2018, WICS held an Amazon Alexa Skill Workshop. Representatives from Amazon came by and taught us step-by-step how to build an Alexa Skill. First, attendees got to grab food and refreshments as well as socialize with one another. Then, we were ready to code. Our goal was
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On Monday, May 14th, WICS and SendGrid held a Women in Tech panel at the new SendGrid office, 400 Spectrum Dr. Approximately 30 students drove to the office and attended this event. From 5:30pm to 6:00pm, students had dinner provided by SendGrid in the office. The panel started at 6:00pm, where
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On Monday, May 7, WICS held an Acing the Technical Interview Workshop hosted by The Portal. Alan and Charith, who both graduated from UCI, led the presentation. They went through the basics of what goes on in a technical interview. They also explained the dos and don’ts of an interview
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On Monday, April 30th, the last day of April, WICS held a Yoga and Study session to help students release stress at DBH 6011. We had Ms. Natalie D’Azzo, the wellness & peer education programs manager from UCI Student Wellness and Health Promotion, to lead the Yoga session from 6-7pm.
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On April 23, 2018, WICS hosted a Debugging session with Blind Squirrel Games. First, we ate pizza and socialized with other members. Then software engineers from Blind Squirrel told us all the cool stuff they do that their company. They taught us that debugging is an important part of their
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On April 21, 2018, WICS hosted a Women Empowering Women Lunch and Panel during Celebrate UCI. This lunch welcomed female ICS prospective freshmen and transfer students and their families. There was delicious catering provided for the event. Debra Richardson, founding dean of the Donald Bren School of ICS, helped lead
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April 14, 2018 – May 12, 2018 Once again, WICS has organized another successful AspireIT program and this time, it was in collaboration with the Girls Who Code club from Woodbridge High School. With the help of Avika Patel, a recipient of the National Center for Women and Information Technology
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On Monday, April 9, WICS held an interactive React Workshop led by Intuit. About 100 people came to DBH 6011 to join in on the fun. First, we learned more about Intuit and what they do. Then Harris, an Intuit representative, led a step-by-step tutorial. Attendees brought their laptops and
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March 10, 2018 It is never too early to introduce Computer Science to girls and the #GirlsKnowCS Conference was a perfect example! This year, the Santa Ana Public Library hosted a conference for girls who are interested in Computer Science and invited WICS to come speak and lead a hands
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On Monday, February 26th, 2018, WICS held an interview workshop with Amazon in DBH 6011. This event had more than 100 RSVPs and approximately 80 showed up in the event. The first half of the event was a presentation presented by Angela who is currently a software engineer at Amazon.
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