Week 1: General Meeting

DBH 6011

Happy new year everyone! We hope you had a very enjoyable winter break. Now that we're all back it is that time of the quarter to have our first meeting. Join us for a night of food and games, and also learn about what we will be doing this quarter! We hope to see you […]

Week 6: Study Session

DBH 5011

It's week 6 and there are midterms, projects, and a lot of stress. Looking for a place to be productive or a study group? Well, WICS is hosting a study session, so you're in luck. Bring any questions you may have and be prepared to hit those books you might or might not have been […]

Week 7: Verizon Info Session

DBH 6011

Come join us this week for a mixer and info session with Verizon. From 6:30 to 7pm, there will be a mixer with Verizon recruiters and engineers whom you can directly interact with. RSVP is required for the mixer due to limited availability.  Food will be provided during this part of the event. Afterwards, from […]

Week 1: General Meeting

DBH 6011

We hope you enjoyed your spring break, but now its back to that time of the quarter to have our first meeting. Join us for a night of food and games, and also learn about this quarter's upcoming events! We hope to see you there! Don’t forget your stamp cards! RSVP here!

Week 4: Recurse Center

DBH 6011

Lessons learned building a new type of educational environment. The Recurse Center (formerly known as Hacker School) is a free, three-month retreat in New York City for people who want to get better at programming, whether they've been coding for three decades or three months. It's self-directed, collaborative, and designed to remove as many obstacles […]

Week 5: Movie Night

DBH 6011

It is Midterm season! Although studying is important, so is taking a break. Come and de-stress with WICS over a movie. We will be playing an animated film (yet to be determined). Feel free to come in your pajamas or even bring your pillows and get comfy! Food and drinks will be provided. Make sure […]

Week 6: Board Game Night

DBH 6011

Take a break from studying and come join WICS for a night of board games! We will be bringing some board games and cards, but feel free to bring your own! There will be drinks and snacks, but be sure to RSVP! Come meet people and have some fun! We hope to see you there! […]