Week 7: IgniteCS

DBH 6011

Women Ignite ICS! is a collective event for ICS women both students and faculty. Come network and listen to a few brief talks by ICS Ph.D. students, followed by a panel about research and life as a graduate student. There will be plenty of opportunities for mingling with other ICS women. Register online at http://women-ignite-ics.eventbrite.com

Week 1: First General Meeting

DBH 6011

Come to WICS's first General Meeting and meet the other members! Hear what our club is about, our upcoming events, and get froyo with us afterwards!

Week 1: Mentorship Mixer

DBH 6011

If you want to be a part of our mentorship program please sign up here! Then come join us at our fun mentorship mixer and get know other mentors/mentees.

Week 2: Meet & Greet

Missed the first WICS meeting but still interested in learning more about WICS? Come to our meet & Greet where you can hear more about WICS while spending a relaxing evening in the park with the WICS officers and other members!