CS Social Media and Articles

Interested in staying up to date on your CS knowledge? Well look no further! WICS committee has compiled a list of awesome social media accounts to follow along with insightful articles that will broaden your knowledge.


YouTube is a great resource not only for learning how to program, but to seek advice on how others are able to thrive in their profession. A majority of coding skills can come from watching YouTube videos. Here are a list of recommended YouTubers.

  • The Come Up: She is a POC software engineer who earned a degree in political science but decided on a career change. She studied coding on her own without spending money on bootcamps. A great video to get started is “Automate Spotify with Python” and other videos on her journey to become an SE.
  • Joma Tech: He makes hilarious CS skits that give a humorous and relatable side to programming. He also gives general CS advice and tips and also interviews successful people in the CS field.
  • Alex Lee: His video “Learn Java in 14 minutes” is amazing. While you don’t ACTUALLY learn all of Java, it was a nice refresher for experienced coders. He also has a full series on learning to code in Java.
  • Mayuko: With over 280,000 subscribers on YouTube, Mayuko gives a lot of great advice on tech industry/life, addresses mental health through topics such as imposter syndrome and emotional vulnerability, and posts vlogs about her daily life in the Bay Area. She is transparent in showing her viewers that it is okay to -not- know what you want to do, and to always take time to reflect and recharge


There are way too many Instagram coding-related accounts to list but here are some favorites that can help you out career-wise and some that are just for laughs.

  • @girlswhocode: In addition to women-empowerment, the Girls Who Code instagram account post memes that we all can relate to and quotes that inspire and motivate you to take action. They also provide information about various events you can attend to help you out in your career!
  • @meme_coding: The name is self-explanatory but this account posts the funniest and most relatable memes on coding situations we’ve all been in. To understand that others are getting just as many segmentation faults as I am makes me feel a whole lot better 🙂
  • @coding: This account is a perfect combination of useful coding knowledge, useful coders to know about, and extremely useful memes!
  • @builtbygirls: They’re all about women empowerment. They host events, instagram takeovers, and post opportunities. They also have an awesome mentorship program called WAVE that pair ups girls to industry professionals (it happens 3 times a year).


You can find a broad range of tech-related communities on Reddit whether it be programming memes to questions about careers in tech. Reddit is great for connecting with niche communities and sharing/gaining insight about the field.

  • r/ProgrammerHumor: This subreddit is dedicated to memes related to programming xD
  • r/cscareerquestions: This subreddit is a good resource for asking questions about CS-related jobs.
  • r/csmajors: This subreddit provides a lot of resources pertaining to studying computer science (or related majors). It’s somewhat similar to r/cscareerquestions, but the discussion is more specifically related to discussing school and internship/new grad opportunities.

Facebook Groups

There are many active Facebook groups where members would post about college hackathons or questions in regards to job recruitment or even about initiatives they started. These Facebook Groups are a great resource to finding different opportunities outside of job postings. They also serve as a community that you can connect with through either support or cs-related memes.

  • Ladies Storm Hackathons:  A network for female leaders in tech to learn from each other and share opportunities related to the field.
  • Programming Memes for the Object-Oriented Teens: Still haven’t had enough memes from @meme_coding or r/ProgrammerHumor? Well, there are numerous Facebook Pages for cs-related memes, but Programming Memes for the Object-Oriented Teens just happens to be one of the largest ones with over 84,000 people following. You can also tag your fellow CS friends, so that you can laugh at some object-oriented memes together.

Contributors: Achala Shenoy, Megha Kak, Alice Phan, Kayla Tran, Mohra Arsala, Melissa Torres

Editors: Ana Sathish

Graphics: Tiffany Nguyen