Week 7: WICS x Hack present: Hacker Hangouts: Brainstorming Big Ideas

On Monday, May 13th, 2024, of Week 7, WICS hosted a collaboration meeting with Hack at UCI in preparation for the upcoming VenusHacks! Members from both clubs as well as anyone interested or planning on participating in VenusHacks came out to get more of an inside scoop on the upcoming hack-a-thon and to brainstorm with one another. After a quick icebreaker to get to know the members of each group, the facilitators started introducing example topics one at a time. After each one, each group brainstormed ideas for what kind of product they would create. After going through a couple topics, it was time for the groups to pitch their ideas to one another. This was a great opportunity to not only receive input on their ideas but also to practice presenting an idea! This night was filled with some great discussions and creativity. Next up: VenusHacks!