Spring 2024 Week 2: NetWICS

On Saturday, April 13, 2024, WICS organized a career-centered event for high school girls interested in computer science field to come together and meet each other as well as UCI undergraduates. After 2 ice breakers and an introduction, attendees were divided into 5 teams to participate in the shark tank activity. Each team was required to build a 10-minutes slides to pitch at the end, and they have approximately 35 minutes to complete. After the activity, participants were able to collaborate with others to learn pitching skill. Lunch was provided after the previous activity. To continue the event, WICS presented some tips before attendees participate in mock interview activity. The semi-formal interview with mentors allowed the students to have more experience and learn more from the mentors and also other students. To wrapped up the day, there was a Q&A section followed by feedback time and scavenger hunt game. The event, in general, allows students to connect and network with other students from different area and also undergraduates at UCI who are learning in the field of ICS.