PennyMac: How to Write a Professional Email

Are you ever unsure of how to write professional emails to your colleagues at work? Whether that be choosing an appropriate opening and closing salutation, knowing when to CC or BCC an email, how to package an email to a senior executive, or even knowing when to use a casual tone and when to be […]

Negotiation Panel

Are you actively looking for new opportunities but worried about not getting offered the compensation you’re looking for? You’re not alone! When it comes to your career, it pays to be prepared (literally). Be sure to RSVP and come out to our negotiation workshop to refine your negotiation skills and learn insider tips and strategies […]

HACK x WICS Resume Reviews

Still on the job hunt and don’t know if your resume is good enough? Come out and get tips on how to write the perfect resume! Learn about ways to improve your resume or even how to start a new one. You can also receive personalized feedback from current recruiters and engineers, so make sure […]

Fall 2021 Week 1: First General Meeting

Location: DBH 6011 RSVP: ✨Start your year off strong by coming to WICS’ in-person first general meeting of the year✨ Come learn more about WICS and what we have in store for the rest of the quarter! There will also be a chance to win some prizes! After that, we’ll be having a social […]

Fall 2021 Week 2: Mentorship Mixer

Location: DBH 6011 RSVP:    Are you interested in sharing advice based on your college experiences and internships? Or maybe you’re looking for someone to answer your endless questions about life at UCI and your future career? Well, look no further because WICS’ Mentorship Program is perfect for you! The program is currently open […]