WICS Mentorship Social: Disney Escape Room

Get to know your new mentorship family by coming out to our third social on Friday, November 13th from 7:00-8:30pm. Work together with your family to navigate our Disney-themed escape rooms, bond with each other, and play some games! The Zoom link will be emailed and posted in the Mentorship FB group the day of […]

Intro to Web Development Workshop

Have you ever wanted to build a professional portfolio website but are unsure where to start? This workshop is the perfect beginner’s guide to web development and creating a professional portfolio website! This workshop will include step-by-step instructions on how to code in HTML and CSS and will provide several resources to learn and get […]

Get Involved with Undergraduate Research

Are you interested in doing research, but don’t know how to get involved as an undergraduate student? As always, WICS got your back and will be bringing these undergraduate research opportunities to YOU! Professor Wayne Hayes will be sharing about the research projects that he’s leading from image analysis of cells to graph theory’s relation […]

WICS x SHPE x SWE Diversity in Tech Panel

Are you still exploring organizations on campus? Well this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about diversity with Women in Information and Computer Sciences (WICS), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Discover how diverse the tech field is through a Q&A panel where people with different backgrounds will […]

Day in a Life of a SWE + PM + UI/UX Designer

Are you interested in working in the tech industry, and curious about roles such as Software Engineers, PM, and UI/UX Designers? Have you wondered what Software Engineers, PM, and UI/UX Designers actually do on a day-to-day basis? Well, WICS is welcoming back our alumni who currently work at companies such as Cisco and General Atomics […]


Need a break from classes and want to relax and chill with fellow club members? Well, WICSmas is coming up, and we’re throwing a holiday themed event where we’ll do a variety of fun activities such as arts & crafts, puzzles, drawing, and more! Come through and celebrate the end of fall quarter with us! […]

WICS First General Meeting

WICS hopes you all had a great winter break and are ready for the new quarter! Come join us at our first general meeting to learn about what WICS has planned for winter quarter and play some fun games at our post-event social! Get ready to meet lots of new friends and be sure to […]