Spring 2022 Week 4: Projects with Chipotle

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxChipotle  Are you interested in learning from Chipotle representatives about how their projects are born and developed? Come deep dive into how Chipotle runs their products with their PMO reps! Be sure to RSVP and join us at DBH 6011 from 6:30-8PM!

Spring 2022 Week 4: Mentorship LinkedIn Workshop

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxLinkedInWorkshop  Still confused about how to make LinkedIn profiles? Want more connections with peers and recruiters? Come to our mentorship LinkedIn workshop to learn more LinkedIn tips and make your profile stand out! Our mentors will also look over mentees’ LinkedIn profiles and give suggestions. Hope to see you at DBH 6011 on Friday!

Spring 2022 Week 5: Inscripta Info Session

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxInscriptaInfoSession    Want to learn more about how Inscripta empowers scientists to solve challenges through transformation in biological discovery? Interested in applying to one of Inscripta’s summer internships in Software, Data Science, or Biosecurity? Come on out to the Inscripta Info Session to learn more about Inscripta’s Department of Computational Sciences and Engineering team […]

Spring 2022 Week 6: Midterm Mixer

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxMidtermMixer  Need a break from the stressful midterms week? Still indecisive about which classes to take in Fall 2023? Come through to our Midterm Mixer where you can get class recommendations from those who have taken the class, and share your experiences with others too. If you feel like studying instead, we got you […]

Spring 2022 Week 6: Mentorship MAYhem

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxMentorshipMayhem  Calling all WICS MenMaytors and Mentees: WICS invites you to our Mentorship MAYhem! Play games, have fun, and catch up with your mentorship family. (Psst… you might even earn some mentorship points to win the competition!) Make sure to RSVP and we will see you there!

Spring 2022 Week 7: CrowdStrike Office Hours

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxCrowdstrike  Ever wondered what it's like to work for an industry leader in cybersecurity? Still on the job or internship search? Come to our Crowdstrike Office Hours on Monday, May 6th at 6:30pm in DBH 6011 to learn about the company, opportunities, and more from Crowdstrike representatives! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity […]

Spring 2022 Week 8: WICSino Night

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSinoNight  WICS presents... WICSino Night!  Come join us on Monday of Week 8 from 6:30-8pm for a fun night of games and prizes!  Everyone who signs up will get tickets to play games including Blackjack, Uno, and Flip Cup or try your luck in a round of Bingo. We hope to see you there!

Spring 2022 Week 9: WICSxFactor

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxFactor Want to let go of some stress before the end of the quarter? Come through to WICS’s karaoke event, WICSxFactor on Monday of Week 9 from 6:30-8pm where we’ll sing along to some songs and have a good time! Don’t forget to fill out the RSVP form and we’ll see you in DBH […]

Spring 2022 Week 9: WICSxPICS

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxPICS  Ever wonder what college life is like for professors, or regret that you couldn’t meet them due to virtual learning? After a couple of tumultuous quarters, we are pleased to announce our WICS x PICS (Professors in ICS) event! Enjoy a relaxing lunch with our awesome Professors in Information and Computer Science and […]

Spring 2022 Week 9: WICS Banquet

BJs Restaurant 13130 Jamboree Rd, Irvine, CA, United States

RSVP: https://bit.ly/WICSBanquet  Looking to conclude the end of the year with a night of awards, fun, and good food? Look no further and come out to WICS's Banquet! The banquet will be a dinner held at BJ's and the cost for attendance will be $20. Silly awards, which are fun superlatives, will also be announced […]