Fall 2022 Week 7: Rock Your LinkedIn Profile with Rivian

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxRivian22 Interested in improving your LinkedIn presence? Then look no further! Come to the Rock your LinkedIn Profile with Rivian event to hear from Rivian about how to make an awesome LinkedIn profile that you can use to DRIVE your future! Please make sure to RSVP to attend!

Fall 2022 Week 8: Day in the Life of Slalom

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxSlalom22 Interested in the intersection of business and technology? Want to learn more about consulting in the tech industry? Come out to our Day in the Life to hear from Slalom representatives about their work at a glance and how you can pursue a career in technology consulting. Please RSVP to attend!

Fall 2022 Week 8: Mentorship Retreat

Corona Del Mar

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxMentorshipRetreat22 Rides Sheet: Week 8: Mentorship Retreat Ride Sheet Attention mentors and mentees! Come out to Mentorship Retreat to have a great time with your mentorship family at the beach and get to know more about each other!  We’ll build a bonfire and have pizza and s’mores!  This weekend is the perfect time to have fun […]

Fall 2022 Week 9: WICS Study Session

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSStudySession22 The finals season is approaching! Want a nice place to study for your finals with some very cool people? Come join us at WICS Study Night on Monday November 21st at 6:30 PM in DBH 6011!! There will be food, music and some good vibes! Don’t miss out :)

Fall 2022 Week 10: WICSGiving Potluck

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSgiving22 It’s that time of the year!! Come out to our WICSGiving Potluck, bring a treat and enjoy other treats! We got good food, good games and are going to have a good time! So head on over to DBH 6011 at 6:30PM on November 28th for a wonderful wrap up to Thanksgiving and the […]

Winter 2023 Week 1: First General Meeting

DBH 6011

RSVP: bit.ly/WICSxFirstGeneralMeetingW23 Welcome back and WICS hope you had a relaxing break! Please join us for our first general meeting of Winter Quarter 2023! Come learn about WICS, win some COOL prizes, and see some familiar and new faces at our UTC social! See you at DBH 6011 at 6:30 pm!

Winter 2023 Week 3: ACM x WICS Technical Interview Prep Workshop

DBH 6011

RSVP: https://bit.ly/WICSxACM23 Stressed about finding coding internships? Want to strengthen your technical interview skills? Well, look no further because ACM and WICS are holding a Technical Interview Prep Workshop on Monday, January 23rd, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Come join us in DBH 6011 to participate in some group mock interviews!

Winter 2023 Week 3: Mock Technical Interviews


RSVP: https://bit.ly/WICSxMTITimeSlotSignUp23 It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Interested in starting 2023 off right by honing your interview skills? You’re in luck! WICS invites you to our 2023 Mock Technical Interviews. Sign up for a 40-minute 1:1 Software Engineering, UI/UX, Project Management, or Behavioral interview with a company representative. There will be industry […]

Winter 2023 Week 4: Conversations with CrowdStrike

DBH 6011

RSVP: https://bit.ly/WICSxCrowdstrike23 Interested in working in Cybersecurity? Look no further! Learn more about the roles of a Product Manager, UX designer, Threat Response Manager and more as WICS is partnering with CrowdStrike to discuss their daily lives and the projects that they’ve worked on. Join us on Monday, January 30th at 6:30-8:00 PM in DBH […]

Winter 2023 Week 4: Mentorship Field Day

Aldrich Park

Exact meeting location: https://goo.gl/maps/AMxQSjfqwLjPjmXp6 RSVP: https://bit.ly/MentorshipFieldDay  Tired of sitting in lectures all day? Take a quick break and join us for a mentorship field day Friday, February 3 outside at Aldrich Park! Play fun games with your mentorship family and earn points for your fam :) Be sure to RSVP to attend, and we can’t […]