Western Digital Tour

Western Digital 3355 Michelson Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA, United States

Take Friday off from Week 1 to join WICS for a tour of Western Digital's facilities! Learn about storage technology, check out their labs and ask some engineers a few questions. Come on, you know you want to. What's happening on week 1 anyway? Food and rides will be provided. Fill out the survey if […]

Week 6: House of Moves Tour

House of Moves 5419 McConnell Avenue , Los Angeles, CA, United States

WICS will be hosting a tour of House of Moves! We will be having lunch with the animators from House of Moves. They will be covering motion capture and animation in the tour and even allow us to try on a motion capture suit if anyone would like. If you are sure that you will […]

Western Digital Tour

Western Digital

Take Friday off from Week 3 to join WICS for a tour of Western Digital’s facilities! Learn about storage technology, check out their labs and ask some engineers a few questions. Come on, you know you want to. There are only 15 slots so sign up now!Sign up here if you would like to attend […]

Week 4: Payoff Company Tour

Payoff Company Site

If you are interested in discovering more about the different job opportunities that are out there, then sign up for the Payoff Company Tour! Payoff is a financial services company that designs products to help people pay off their credit cards and save money. A group of 10-15 WICS members will get to visit the […]

Week 5: Factory eNova Tour

Factory eNova

Interested in laser cutting, UV printing, and 3D printing? Factory eNova will be hosting a laser cutting and laser engraving demo. They will be offering group deals if anyone is interested in taking any of their classes or using their studio to work on class projects. It’s also perfect for making a creative Valentines gift! […]