[AFG_gallery id=’23’] Monday, January 27th, WICS hosted a movie night for over 20 people that came to de-stress from all the midterms they’ve had/about to have! There was popcorn, pizza, and snacks provided while The Princess Bride was playing. A group of people were also enjoying a fun game of
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Around 62 people signed in on Thursday, January 16th, for the Google Panel. WICS invited female Googlers to talk about what it is like to work there, capabilities needed for applying, as well as ways of applying. One of the speakers that came, trains other Googlers to interview applications and
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[AFG_gallery id=’18’] WICS awarded every participant that turned in their websites on Wednesday, December 4th. Winners were chosen and awarded $25 Amazon gift cards along with the winners of weekly challenges at project meetings! Congratulations Team 7 (Mrunmayi Vyawahare, Kelly Kwan, Emily Nguyen, and Yaritza Cuevas) for making the best
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Monday, December 2nd, WICS organized an Hour of Code workshop that targeted undecided/undeclared majors at UCI. Over 20 students interested in coding not only got to learn how to code but also socialize and have some fun before finals week. In celebration of Computer Science Education Week, WICS assisted students
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[AFG_gallery id=’15’] Monday, November 25th, the CIA hosted an info session with WICS. 25 people came and had a chance to hear about multiple job opportunities, benefits, and application processes at the CIA. There were also handouts, free swag, and food at the event. The CIA offers many internship opportunities for
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