Fall Quarter 2016 Week 6: ProSky Interactive Info Session
WICS teamed up with the Video Game Development Club (VGDC) and Management Information Student Society (MAISS), on November 2nd to hold a useful and interactive info session called How to Market Yourself to Employers + Talking Yourself Up. ProSky, an Irvine-based company that provides a platform for job recruiting and job training, hosted the event. ProSky’s founder, Crystal Huang, gave a helpful presentation to over 60 attendees about how to approach marketing one’s self to employers through elevator pitches, searching for a job or internship, and participating in interviews with a company. Crystal, alongside Alexis and Julie, ProSky’s Director of HR and Head of University Relations, also facilitated an interactive activity where attendees were able to get on their feet and practice pitching themselves to others. Towards the end of the event, several volunteers were able to market themselves in 30 seconds to the entire room, followed by personal feedback from Crystal. After the event, all attendees were able to leave with stomachs full of pizza and a better idea of how to present themselves professionally. WICS is proud to be able to put on such valuable and resourceful events to their members alongside other ICS clubs and great companies like ProSky.