Fall Quarter 2016 Week 3: PwC Info Session

On October 13th, WICS collaborated with PwC to host an info session to help people amp up their interviews! Around 24 attendees came to the event, giving everyone the chance to actively participate. The PwC representative, Kaitlin Cottrell, gave a brief presentation covering working at PwC and opportunities there before providing tips on how to ace an interview. Attendees then paired off to ask common interview questions to practice. After taking some time to provide feedback, participants discussed with the representative which questions they found difficult, and the representative suggested ways to give good answers. The discussion transitioned into a Q&A where attendees asked questions about the interview process and working at PwC. The event closed with a resume reviews and one-on-ones. The event was very successful. Everyone had fun while learning ways to help them land a job offer. Thank you to Kaitlin for coming and making the event so interactive and enjoyable, and thanks everyone to joined us for this event!