[AFG_gallery id=’9′] WICS co-hosted this event with IEEE, HKN, and ICSSC on Wednesday, Oct. 9th. Betty Chan, along with a few other Broadcom employees, represented their company and gave an overview about how they enable wireless technology to connect nodes and their standalone wireless chip product. They explained the expectations
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From Oct. 1 to Oct 5, four of WICS’s board members who were sponsored by the Donald Bren School of ICS and Calit2, attended the annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There were many workshops that ranged from important skills to know in the professional
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[AFG_gallery id=’5′] WICS’s first ever Project Meeting took place on Wednesday, October 2nd, where the Project Committee began supporting the creation of websites by WICS members. Members were assigned to groups and encouraged to build their own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Experience is not necessary as the WICS
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Wednesday, September 25, 70 students interested in Computer Science came out to participate in the first annual WICS social event. Students, new and old alike, socialized with the WICS board members as well as each other, played board games, and won cool prizes while enjoying FREE food and drinks! People
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In Techie Girls,  a week-long summer camp was designed for the 2013 Aspire IT Programs to inspire in girls a love for computer science. The camp provided workshops from July 29th through August 2nd on the UC Irvine Campus for 2 hours a day. [AFG_gallery id=’6′] More than 10 of
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Wednesday, July 24, WICS hosted a workshop for high school students and incoming freshmen at UCI. More than 10 WICS members signed up to work with over 40 students on Snap Circuits and littleBits. This workshop was intended to educate and provide insight to students who were interested in the technological
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