Fall Quarter 2017 Week 3: WICS Games
On the 16th of October, WICS held their annual WICS Games! They had over 80 student participates as well as company representatives from Google, SendGrid, Oath, and Blind Squirrel Entertainments. The company representatives were separated into different teams with about 9 students to one representative and all the teams were against each other. We started the night off with some delicious food and company introductions and then the main event began. There were 3 rounds with 15 minutes during each round. We began the games by having each team get to know their team members through introductions to creating a team chat and even posting a funny photo of themselves on different social media platforms! The rest of the rounds consisted of teams working together to solve logic puzzles and simple coding problems. After all the rounds were completed, students were able to network with the present representatives while the WICS team calculated scores. At the end, everyone was able to take home swag as well as gain new friendships and connections! WICS Games was a great success and the turnout was amazing as well! Students and representatives both had a fun time working together to solve our puzzles as well as getting to know each other in a casual setting. This event would have not been possible without all the great company representatives that were able to attend as well as the UCI students! Thank you to those company representatives that played with us and of course the attendees! We can’t wait for next year’s WICS Games!